TRIO Wolf Creek PSEO Guidelines

Wolf Creek Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Guidelines

The Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program is available to all Wolf Creek Students who qualify. The PSEO program allows junior or senior students, who cannot find course work to meet their needs in our program, to take courses, full time or part-time, at a post secondary institution for high school credit. The tuition, fee and required textbooks are at no cost to the student. Transportation to and from the post secondary institution is the student’s responsibility.

To be eligible for PSEO, a student must first receive a passing score on the post secondary institution placement test. The test will access the student’s abilities in two areas: language arts and mathematics. It is important to remember that many college freshmen do not pass these tests and are required to take remedial course work to improve their skills. These placement tests are very difficult to pass.

If your child wants to take the placement test you should notify the post-secondary institution they wish to attend and ask for times and schedules. A study guide may or may not be available from the post-secondary institution. Obtaining a study guide, taking the placement tests, filling out the PSEO application, and registering for post-secondary institution course work is all the responsibility of the student and not the Learning Manager.

A suggested guideline for a Wolf Creek Student to take the placement test should be they are receiving 90% or better in all English courses. Additional requirements include, excellent written and verbal communication skills, work completion on time, socially ready to attend a post-secondary institution with adult learners, and are extremely organized. Most important they should have completed the Algebra II, Trigonometry, and Calculus courses, with excellent scores. In theory, it is next to impossible for a student to have taken all of the described course work by the beginning of their junior year and be ready for college; unless they are in the highest percentile of their student class.

Due to the small class sizes at Wolf creek; we will reference the local school districts, Chisago Lakes Schools, GPA guidelines. Our district guidelines for to participate in PSEO recommend that for student success in PSEO that students also meet the Chisago Lakes requirements (this GPA requirement will be at least 3.0)

PSEO should not be seen as just a way to receive free college credit. It is an opportunity that is available only for highly motivated and high ability students who have worked through all available courses in their current program. If you have questions or concerns about this opportunity contact the post-secondary institution Admissions department of your choice or search the Minnesota Department of Education website at search under academic excellent/school choice/PSEO.