(Based on policy 624, as a charter school entity, TRIO Wolf Creek Distance Learning Charter School will accept enrollment based on 85% comprehensive students and 15% supplemental students.)
Please note that Wolf Creek reserves the right to start students at the beginning of each term and when enrollment space is available.
When enrolling in a Wolf Creek class, the parents and student commit to using Wolf Creek curriculum for individual academic purposes only. Any duplication of Wolf Creek curriculum for other purposes will be considered illegal use of copyrighted material.
If the Enrollment Packet is not competed and returned within 7 calendar days, the student’s enrollment position at Wolf Creek may be forfeited.
If yes, please list any previously attended Minnesota High Schools and the corresponding years.
Why are you interested in Wolf Creek? ( 100 word max )
What are 3-5 things you like to do outside of school?
What is your biggest goal for this school year?
What is something you would like your future advisor to know about you?
Are you planning on coming to campus on Tuesdays/Thursdays or primary working virtually?
Check appropriate boxes below
What electronic device (desktop or laptop, chromebook, tablet, smart phone) will the student use to complete school work?
Special needs:
(Any student with an IEP or 504 Plan will have a team meeting to determine placement for services. Please note that TRIO Wolf Creek purchases services from Chisago Lakes Schools and that services may be delivered in various locations, including district of residence. It is highly recommended that you consult with your IEP Team before applying to see if it is an appropriate placement for your student.)
Parents/guardians, please ensure that your student continues attendance in his/her current school placement while enrollment is being processed; this process may take up to two weeks.
All this information on the enrollment form is true and accurate at this time.
Electronic Signature Agreement: By entering your typed name, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature. By entering your name, you consent to the legally binding terms and conditions. You further agree that your electronic signature on this document is as valid as if you signed the document in writing. You are also confirming that you are the student or parent/guardian authorized to complete this form.
Ethnic and Racial Demographic Designation Form
Schools are required to report ethnicity and race to the state and to the U.S. Department of Education. Because of recent changes to
Minnesota state law, Minnesota disaggregates each category into detailed groups to further represent our student populations.
Parents or guardians are not required to answer the federal questions (in bold) for their children. If you choose not to answer the
federal questions (in bold ), federal law requires schools to choose for you. This is a last resort—we prefer if parents or guardians
complete the form. State questions are labeled as “Optional” and schools will not fill in this information for you.
This information helps improve teaching and learning for everyone and helps us accurately identify and advocate for students
currently underserved. The information this form collects is considered private information. You can review the privacy notice to
learn more about the purpose of collecting this information, how it will be used and not used, and how the detailed groups were
identified. The privacy notice can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions: Ethnic and Racial Designation Form .
Is the student Hispanic/Latino as defined by the federal government? The federal definition includes persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
You must select "yes" or "no" to this question.
Optional Question A: If yes was chosen above, select all that apply from the list below (this question will not be answered by school staff):
Go to question 1.
Select “yes” to at least one of the Questions (1-6) below.
Optional Question 1a: If yes was chosen above, select all that apply from the list below (this question will not be answered by school staff):
Go to question 2.
Optional Question 3a. If yes was chosen above, select all that apply from the list below (this question will not be answered by school staff):
Go to question 4.
Optional Question 4a. If yes was chosen above, select all that apply from the list below (this question will not be answered by school staff):
Go to question 5.
Tennessean Warning: The data requested will help us to serve you and your children more efficiently and will be maintained as part of your child’s educational record. Some of the data, in summary form, is used in the application for grants. You are not required by law to answer the questions asked. If you do not answer the questions, we will have incomplete information for our records.