TRIO WolfCreek Online HS Lunch Menu

TRIO Wolf Creek HS Lunch Menu

Lunch Menu link through Chisago Lakes Schools (Find the TRIO Wolf Creek column and then click on that month’s menu) OR click the following:

September 2020 Lunch Menu

Daily Lunch Procedure: At Wolf Creek, we make it easy for students by providing a menu at the sign-in desk. Students who sign up for lunch prior to 9:30 each day can get a hot lunch that is delivered at 11:30 each day from Chisago Lakes Schools.

Free/Reduced Lunch: Parents and students should complete the Educational Benefits Form (see below) to see if you qualify for free or reduced hot lunches. This information is kept confidential. You must submit a new application each school year. Forms should be returned to Wolf Creek. If you have questions, please call Chisago Lakes Food Service at 651-213-2506.

Educational Benefits Lunch Program Form