Wolf Creek Online High School Board Information

School Board Information

School Board Members

Jennifer Lake
Board Chair and Community-at-Large Representative
Elected 2/13/2024 to a 2-year term (Non-staff, or non-parent, required for this position)


Board Chair and Community-at-Large Representative

History Jennifer resides in the Chisago Lakes area with her husband, dog and two cats. She has four adult children and seven fabulous grandchildren.

  • Secondary Literacy Collaborative Planner with the St. Croix River Education District, 2011-present
  • Technology Lead – Charter School Design Team, Northstar Community Charter School
  • Reading/Language Arts teacher and Technology Integration Curriculum leader, Northwood School District, 2005-2011
  • Fourth and fifth grade teacher, 1999-2005
  • Restaurant server, 1992-1999


  • 2015 Bemidji state University – Special Education
  • 2011 University of Wisconsin, Superior – Master’s of Science in Educational Administration; Curriculum Director emphasis
  • 1999 University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire – Bachelor of Science in Education / Major: Elementary and Middle Level Education, Minor: ESL

Reading, music, theatre, gardening, family adventures.

Sandy Flint
Secretary/Treasurer, Officer and Teacher Representative
Elected 2/13/2024 to a 2-year term (Must be a teacher at the charter school)


Board Secretary/Treasurer
Learning Manager
Math Specialist
Phone: 651.213.2067

Sandy grew up in Eveleth, MN and now resides in White Bear Lake, MN with her husband, son and daughter.


  • Learning Manager, TRIO Wolf Creek Distance Learning – 8/2005
  • Board Member since 2005
  • Q-Comp Coordinator
  • Data Coordinator
  • Substitute Teacher, White Bear Lake & St. Paul Public Schools– 2005
  • Office Assistant, Capitol Connections, St. Paul – 2002-2004
  • Business Analyst, Lydon-Bricher Mfg. Co, Oakdale – 1984-2001


  • Hamline University, St. Paul, MN
  • Masters of Arts in Teaching
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, Applied Work in Computer Science
  • Mesabi Community College, Virginia, MN
  • Associate of Arts

Certifications Minnesota State Teaching License

Reading, bicycling, swimming and volunteering with my church.

Chloe Jackson
Full-Time Teacher Representative
Elected 2/07/2023 to a 2-year term


Board Teacher Representative
Learning Manager
Phone: 651.213.2035
Lori Nelson
Full-Time Teacher Representative
Elected 2/07/23 to a 2-year term


Board Teacher Representative
Learning Manager
Phone: 651.213.2032



   Lori is an English/Language Arts Learning Manager at Wolf Creek. Before that she spent 15 years      teaching at Chisago Lakes High School, where her husband still teaches. She also spent 10 years at the district level working with Q-Comp, Communications and Staff Development. 


  • Learning Manager – Wolf Creek Online starting June 2022
  • Teacher – Chisago Lakes High School starting 2007


  • Undergraduate degree in English Literature and Journalism,
  • as well as teaching credentials, from UW-River Falls, WI.

Minnesota State Teaching License

Lori likes to travel and some memorable trips have been to Norway and the Panama Canal. She is also an avid reader and prefers mystery and thrillers.

Sue Frame
Co-Chair and Community-at-Large Representative
Elected 2/13/2024 to a 1-year term


Board Co-Chair and Board Community-at-Large Representative

Sue and her family moved to Chisago City in 1976. She has three adult children and five grandchildren.

23 years teaching in the Chisago Lakes School District as an elementary Physical Education specialist at Taylors Falls and Lakeside Elementary. Chisago Lakes District Q-comp coordinator 2007-2010.


  • 1974 Winona State University, Winona, MN
    Bachelor of Science
    Physical Education, Health, coaching certification
  • 2001 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. MN
    Master of Education
    Curriculum and Instruction

Reading, gardening, continuous learning.

Robyn Vosberg-Torgerson
Director of Business Services
Chisago Lakes ISD #2144, Director of Business Svcs & TRIO Finance
Sarah Schmidt
Authorizer Representative
Chisago Lakes ISD #2144, Authorizer Representative
Bill Mack
Community-at-Large Representative
Elected 2-13-2024 to a one-year term


Work History:

Teacher in White Bear Lake Mn, 1971-2006

• Mathematic 7-12 Pre-Algebra to Precalculus • Department Chair 6 years

• Secondary Curriculum Coordinator 8 years • Nominated Teacher of the Year 3 times, finalist once • District 4 Director for M.C.T.M.

• Member of Minnesota Best Practice Network for Mathematics

Business History

• Owner of Mack Landscaping 1985 - 2018 (retired)


• Member of Parks Commission 20 years, Creator and lead person for the O.W.L.L.’s (Ojiketa Wednesdays for Laughs, Lunch and Service), Retirees who work to maintain and improve Ojiketa Regional , Chisago Lakes Rotary, Youth Exchange Officer, Chisago Lakes Hockey Association, Chamber of Commerce member, Community Ambassador.

Ruth Stark
Community-at-Large Representative
Elected 2-13-2024 to a one-year term



Ruth Stark moved to Chisago City in 1985 to begin her teaching career. She married in 1994 and has two adult children, one of whom is working in the community and the other is a junior at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Experience and Education:

She has a B.A. in German and English from UW-Superior.

She taught German and English for 36 years at Chisago Lakes High School.

During her tenure, she was a member and a leader of several groups including the Professional Development Committee, the Gifted and Talented Committee, and the High School Building Council.

She held leadership roles in the Q-Comp program.

She was a long-time Chisago Lakes Education Minnesota representative assembly member and a teacher’s rights advocate.

She retired in the spring of 2021.

Mike Hamernick
Ex-officio and Executive Director of school
Hired in July 2024


Ex-officio and Executive Director of Wolf Creek


  • 1992 High School Graduate from Fridley, MN
  • Undergraduate studies/degree from  NDSU and Bethel College
  • Masters and Principal's License from St. Mary's University

Business History:

  • Student teacher at Centennial High School and Spring Lake Park
  • Worked in Minneapolis at American Express Financial Advisors
  • Retirement Account Advisor for several companies
  • English teacher at White Bear Lake ALC for 16 years
  • Director of Northern Lights Community School in Warba, MN


  • Riding motorcycles with wife, Amy
  • Canoeing and Camping
  • Deer hunting in Minnesota and Wisconsin
  • Being handy with a variety of tools

" I have spent my entire career in education (24 years) working with non-traditional students (and the very creative staff that go with them) and I enjoy the freedom this allows. I greatly appreciate that we live in a state where it is recognized that not every student learns the same way and that charters, ALCs, and others are necessary to meet the needs of all MN students. I very much hope to use my experience and passion for alternative ed. here, at Wolf Creek, to continue the excellence that has been established. I am excited to be here and thrilled at what the future holds for us."

Committee & Working Groups

Health & Wellness
Chris Wallin (Chair), Hannah Edblad, Sandy Flint, and Lindsay Coppernoll

Purpose: This group works within the school to create healthy choices for activities and additions of healthy lifestyles to the curriculum for staff and students. This committee will promote emotional, physical, and mental health initiatives at the charter school within the constraints of the budget passed by the committee each year by the board. This committee will create activities that provide for the common welfare of all charter school constituents. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Human Sexuality and Health
Lindsay Coppernoll (Chair), Chris Wallin, Becki Olseen, and Mike Hamernick

Purpose: This committee will promote student, parent, and staff awareness of issues pertaining to human sexuality. This committee will bring recommendations to the board for speakers on these subject areas and outreach to the community and parents as needed. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Mike Hamernick (Chair), Becki Olseen, Randi Stream, and Hannah Edblad

Purpose: This committee will work to ensure the visibility of the charter school in the Chisago Lakes community and the larger MN community. We will follow all ethical marketing practices to ensure families of our unique online option and its strengths. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Director Evaluation (working group)
Jennifer Lake (Chair), Susan Frame (Vice Chair), and Sandra Flint ( Treasurer/Secretary)

Purpose: This working group will ensure that the director of the school is evaluated on a yearly basis using a standardized measurement tool. The purposes of this group will be to create or revise said tool on a yearly basis and oversee the evaluation process as well as any needed improvement plans. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Hiring and Interviewing
Jennifer Lake (Chair), Lindsay Coppernoll, and Mike Hamernick

Purpose: This committee will work to ensure that all open positions at Wolf Creek are advertised in a legal and ethical manner. It will be a directive for this group to encourage applications for underserved and underrepresented communities in education. Hiring practices such as interview questions and procedures will be under the guidance authority of this group with final approval by the school board at all times. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Technology & Curriculum
Lindsay Coppernoll (Co-Chair), Becki Olseen, Sandy Flint, and Mike Hamernick

Purpose: Curriculum Committee. This committee meets at least two times per year in the fall and the spring to investigate the curriculum options used at the charter school. As an online charter school, this committee will be responsible for reporting to the board on needed curriculum purchases at least once per year as the board develops a budget in the spring. In addition, this group will develop recommendations along with consultation of the charter school director to develop recommendations for board considerations for policies and procedures on grading and instruction, along with curriculum options. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on May 1st each year from the committee chair. Report must include any curriculum needs in terms of dollar amounts for the upcoming school year and so this report must be completed by May 1st of each year. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Gifted and Talented
Mike Hamernick

Purpose: This committee will investigate differentiating practices for gifted students along with accurate identification methods. This committee will be responsible for proposing the use of the gifted and talented funds as well as promoting knowledge among all staff members on this segment of the student population. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Mike Hamernick, Hannah Edblad, Randi Stream, Heather Johnson and CLSD rep

Purpose: This committee will create a commencement ceremony each year that celebrates the unique nature of our students and the rich history of the charter school. Product: A deliverable of a graduation ceremony that meets the constraints of the budget set out by the board and satisfies all constituents is necessary from this committee each year during the first week of June. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Academic Policy
Mike Hamernick (Chair), Sandy Flint, and Lindsay Coppernoll

Purpose: This committee will investigate factors around academic policies including credits needed for graduation and transfers from other schools just to name a few items the committee has investigated in years past. Items can be brought to this committee to be investigated and all research will be brought back to the board with recommendations if possible for changes to board policies and procedures. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Purchased Services/Facilities Committee
Mike Hamernick (Chair), Sandy Flint, Jennifer Lake, and Robyn Vosberg-Torgerson

Purpose: This committee will meet when the purchased services contract expires to follow all legally required rules and regulations to purchase needed services. All recommendations will be brought to the board for final board action at all times. Product: In a year in which the purchased services contract is negotiated this committee will work with legal counsel to bring a proposed contract before the board in a timely manner, said contract will meet the purchased services needs of the school and also fit into the budget of the school. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Special Education
Mike Hamernick (Chair), Jennifer Lake, Hannah Edblad, Bri Karnes, and Jen DuFresne

Purpose: This committee will promote the well-being of all students at Wolf Creek, including those on an IEP or 504 plan. This committee will meet once per year to review all services and the possible addition of services in the future with the special education director appointed by the St Croix River Education District. A report once yearly to the board will include the number of students receiving special education services and the variety of services offered at Wolf Creek. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from the committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

Finance Committee
Jennifer Lake (Chair), Mike Hamernick, Sandy Flint, and Robyn Vosberg-Torgerson

Purpose: The Finance Committee works to ensure that the school has a budget passed by the board each year and is able to pay all accounts payable on time. Product: This committee will bring a proposed budget each spring to the board for approval as well as updates to the budget document throughout the year. Accountability: This committee will consist of the Board Chair, Director, Dean of Students, and Business Manager of the charter school. Other members may be added when necessary.

Personnel Policies Working Group
Jennifer Lake (Chair), Mike Hamernick, Corey Becker, Susan Frame and Robyn Vosberg-Torgerson

Purpose: The Personnel Policies Committee works to ensure that the personnel policies are up to date. Product: Written report on activities and feedback due on July 1st each year from committee chair. Accountability: This committee is accountable to the board and board chair, this committee cannot make decisions on its own and must report all actions to the board for approval.

WBWF Working Group
Mike Hamernick

Purpose: The WBWF Working Group has been created to ensure that all elements of the WBWF plan for the school are implemented with fidelity. Product: This working group will be responsible for creating and bringing to the board for approval all required WBWF documents in a timely manner. Accountability: This working group will report to the board and charter school director on all elements of their work.

School Board Meeting Information

All meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. Upcoming Meetings:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 4:30 pm

PARENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE WOLF CREEK SCHOOL BOARD! Please contact your student's Learning Manager for more info. or call 651-213-4095

Wolf Creek Online High School
10363 Liberty Lane
Chisago City, MN 55013

Board Minutes & Financials