Chisago Lakes ISD 2144
CL Authorizer Page: CL Authorizer Page
Under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the district or charter – in partnership with stakeholders (including principals and other school leaders, teachers, and parents) – must locally develop and implement a school improvement plan for the school to improve student outcomes.
Wolf Creek has been identified under the Federal ESSA guidelines as a school in need of comprehensive support and improvement. Wolf Creek has been working with advocates from the Regional Centers of Excellence since June of 2018 to create an improvement plan that will lead us to success in having students pass courses and graduate with an accredited high school diploma.
We have implemented many interventions over the past few years, including, but not limited to, increased Google Hangout opportunities with content teachers, improved curriculum options, and increased math tutoring opportunities. We hope that families will encourage students to participate in all of these opportunities to ensure student success.
We are happy to share our improvement plan documents with you.
We are always seeking input from families and want stakeholders to be on our ESSA Improvement Committee. If you are interested in these opportunities, please contact Tracy Quarnstrom at