Wolf Creek Online is an innovative Online Public School Option for all Minnesota students grades 9-12 and up to age 21. Get the support and flexibility you need to learn at your own pace with our individualized learning program. Join Minnesota’s most reputable hybrid option. Work 100% online or come to our campus location in Chisago City, MN to work face to face with our licensed teachers. Our caring staff will make a difference in your education.
Wolf Creek Online is a tuition-free hybrid online charter high school authorized by Chisago Lakes School. We are accredited by NCA through Advanced Ed. Our school is based on a “small community” philosophy. Students are led by one individual who helps them in academic, as well as, non-academic areas of their lives. This caring individual is called a Learning Manager and is the center of our school model. Our instruction is technology-based and the curriculum is available online 24/7. The course work can be completed off campus but students have the option to work on campus as well. Wolf Creek campus is located just north of Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN. Call, click or visit us today; we would love the opportunity to show you how an online high school and distance learning can work for you!
To provide students with a personalized and flexible online education that will prepare them for future success.
To motivate and empower students to reach their full potential.
TRIO Wolf Creek Distance Learning Charter School #4095 is proud to announce its accredited status by Advanced Education using the North Central Accreditation (NCA) Seal.
Information regarding the NCA-Advanced Ed Accreditation process and standards can be found at their website: http://advanc-ed.org/
NCA – http://www.ncacasi.org/